Wednesday, August 20, 2008

R.I.P. Daddy

My dad was a great dad when I was a kid, however, as time passed, the distance between us became greater and greater. Though it is questionable whether my dad should have been up for father of the year, there was NEVER any question whether he loved his children. He loved his children with more heart and soul then Mother Theresa loved charity work.

He would have given the shirt off his back and the last 2 cents out of his piggy bank to anyone, whether he knew them or not. He was a man of great generosity and loyalty. Granted he had his faults, but show me one man/women that doesn't.

Although I have spent the last few years wasting the time I could have been with my dad, I'm glad that I made the decision to love and let go. My father was a wonderful man and I was blessed with the time I did get with him. Although I have been devastated and effected tremendously by his passing away, I am glad to know that he is no longer suffering. As angry as I was with him for so many years, I never wanted him to suffer.

You know, GOD works in funny ways. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and according to his plan. I believe that my dad got sick for 2 reasons- 1.) GOD needed a new handyman and deck hand for deep sea cloud fishing and 2.) to bring me back to my family. A family that like GOD, has never left me or forsaken me. It's amazing the amount of love and support my family has offered to me!!! I want to "THANK" them all not just for taking such good care of my father, but also for welcoming me and loving me back into the family!!!

To anyone who reads this, please don't let petty things get in the way of life. Yes, it's o.k. to be upset and vent, but don't let those things take over. I promise the time you will lose won't be worth it... never take for granted those who are dear to you, even if they aren't close, make them closer. Put forth as much effort as possible. It's going to be hard work, but anything worth having doesn't come easy. If there is a friend or family member that you haven't spoken to in a while, please pick up the phone, dial there number, even if it's just to say "Hey, I can't talk, just wanted you to now I was thinking about you and I love you!"

To those who read this please know..."I am thinking about all of you, and I love you!!!"

Green Beans

Crack'n Up